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Snow removal tips

shovel in snow on nature

There is a chill in the air and that means only one thing: winter is coming and with that snow will be in the forecast, especially here in Central Pennsylvania. While Michael B. Stoner Inc. handles mostly commercial properties we wanted to offer a few tips to everyone who has to shovel or do their own snow removal at home.

Removing snow can be one of the most strenuous things that we do and everyone has to do it. Snow is heavy and with high snowfall totals that can mean a lot of lifting and not everyone is up to the challenge. The first and most important thing is to do only as much as you can. Numerous people die every year from heart attacks when they attempt to shovel more than they can handle. Shovel in shifts and only a bit at a time. It may also be a good idea to get out and shovel some before the storm is completed as it will make the job afterwards much easier. But if you feel you need to stop, then stop and rest. Worse comes to worse you can always have a snow removal service do the work for you, whether it be some local kids looking to make a few bucks or a professional residential service.

If you are shoveling make sure you have the right shovel. A cheap shovel may be easy on the bank account but is it the one that you need? For most people a medium-sized shovel with a non-stick plastic or an aluminum blade is best. Large shovels can lead to back and arm stiffness since they can handle a heavier load which requires more muscle-power to lift so a medium-sized one will usually work best. Do you need an S-shaped shovel or a C-shaped shovel? S-shaped shovels are good for removing heavy snow and if you live in the northeast or midwest get one. C-shaped shovels are good for moving light and fluffy snow by pushing it.

Snow will eventually lead to ice. Having a good salt or de-icer on hand can work wonders. Salt, sand or even kitty litter can work and most Americans use rock salt but it is best to use that in moderation. When the temperature goes below 12°F rock salt can eat away at your driveway.

Many people use a snowblower to remove snow and many feel that it is worth the price. Like any piece of power equipment pure gas (non ethanol) works best with them. If you need to find a station that sells pure gas use to find them but of course make sure you have enough before the flakes start falling. Snowblowers work best with at least an inch and a half of snow. For anything less, a leaf blower can work just as well but that may struggle with a wetter snow.

When removing snow do not place it near the foundation of the home. It can cause frozen pipes which can lead to those pipes bursting. As the snow melts it can get into your foundation cracking it. This can lead to expensive contractor bills so throw that snow elsewhere! Also make sure the snow does not block any exhaust vents.

If you use a snow removal service make sure that your driveway and/or sidewalks are marked. Small flags or poles can work. You may know exactly where the sidewalk is but the folks that you hired to remove your snow may not. They do not want to spend time searching for your sidewalk and marking it can help them out a great deal.

If your car is frozen shut and you need a de-icer rubbing alcohol can work well, just don’t get it on the rubber coatings on the door seals. If you don’t have rubbing alcohol any clear liquor like vodka or rum can work as well.

Michael B. Stoner, Inc. is currently hiring for the upcoming winter season.   Apply Today!